Universe is magical and mysterious . It includes all the matter and energy that space contains. The universe word derives from the latin word universus, which means combined into one. Universe do speaks with us all the time. Its we humans that dont recognise the messages . Universe gives indcations to deliver messages but we human just not able to read it due to ignorance. If one becomes aware , start watching environment and paying attention , can easily able to read messages from universe. One must have true desire to hear from the universe.
Spirituality helps you to connect with universe. Universe keep knocking on you until message get delivered to you. We must understand that we are interlinked with universe in every way. To get connected with universe just pay more attention to your self. Every one has different levels of awareness . it can be cultivated by any one through meditation and self reflection.The more we allow ourselves to get tune into inner world the more clearly we can listen the voice of universe and able to read indications given by it.
Its all about awarness and connection.once you make connection and begin to recognise the signs around, you will sense/ feel everything. You get empowered from universe.
Keshi Gupta
Writer poetess social activist and motivational speaker
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